These links will provide you with the ability to explore the processes of financial aid, health or counseling services, housing, and more. Hopefully, many of your questions will be answered here. If not, email your inquiry to studentlife@jayconscious.com and we’ll get back to you right away. SNU is privileged to deliver a transforming experience as we seek to make Christlike disciples through higher education. We hope your student will complete an education here with tremendous growth in knowledge and character.
Welcome to SNU.
Stay in the know!
Parents Of New Students
At your student’s Priority Enrollment Event (formerly Storm Surge), an expert in your student’s chosen major has enrolled them for Fall courses. If you would like more information about the Learning Community courses your student enrolled in click here . If your student is still anticipating taking AP or CLEP exams over the Summer and would like to know how those exams will apply to their General Education and major courses click here . If at any time this Summer your student has questions about or needs to make changes to your Fall schedule, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the following advisors:Dr. Heather Clemmer (hclemmer@jayconscious.com )
The SNU Campus Store is here to provide course materials for our students. New students are opted into Textbook Butler which automatically provides their course materials and applies the cost of their books to their student account. Via this link, you can change your textbook rental preferences, get detailed textbook information based on your enrollment and view bookstore textbook transactions, etc. For more information on SNU gear or other products in the campus store, click here.Here’s a video with more information about how the textbook service works.
Crimson Card
Every fall a new Crimson Card is available and you will want to consider purchasing one for your student. With the card, your student receives FREE ADMISSION to most student events A sweatshirt cheering on the Crimson Storm. [Sizes are limited. 1st come, 1st served] Discounts to area merchants (like Qdoba, Aloha Ice, Riversport Adventures, and more). Check your student email for more details in August.
Disability Services
The Disability Services office is available to help students with accommodations. Services and accommodations are based on two (2) prongs: (1) documentation of a disability by an appropriate professional, AND (2) a substantial limitation (impacting learning, reading, etc.)Students who often receive accommodations:
- Have been on an IEP or 504 plan or
- Have a severe injury, a chronic illness, or mental health impairment that hinders their learning or access to SNU programs.
For more information contact Disability Services.
Financial Services
The Financial Services Manager in the office of Admissions is here to help you and your student navigate the process of securing federal and state aid along with university and non-university scholarships and grants. We understand the financial aid process is often confusing for families new to college so we are dedicated to providing excellent customer service along the way.Likewise, because the financial aid process is unique to each student, you will receive caring, personalized attention from the Admissions Financial Services Manager dedicated to serving you: Jamie Salazar, 405.491.6324 – jsalazar@jayconscious.com
How do I log into the portal? The internal student portal (my.jayconscious.com) is for students. Your student will need to log in to see details ranging from updated financial bills and class attendance for the semester to the place they can update their banking information for payroll if they are employed on-campus. Parents do not have a login for the student portal. You will need to work with your student to retrieve information. Through the portal, students may also access Canvas, our course management system, where all assignments will be submitted, and course instructions can be found. Information with details on how to log into their portal came to your student’s personal email address when they were accepted. The subject line says “SNU Login Information.” If your student cannot find the email, they may go to reset.jayconscious.com and follow the easy prompts. Once they have that information, they can go to my.jayconscious.com and log in.What is my current balance? Students may log in at my.jayconscious.com (see above if login information is needed) > self-service > student finance. Detailed information will be there.
What if I think my charges are wrong? If it is prior to August 1st, it is possible that any outside scholarships have not yet been received by the institution. Those amounts are not deducted from your account until they are received. If you have institutional scholarships (such as music, athletics, ministerial, etc.) that are not appearing on your statement, confirm that you have returned all of your contracts and if you have, reach out to the appropriate department.
Cost sheet worksheets received from new student financial aid could be slightly off from charges listed on a students portal, as class fees and books are only estimates on the cost sheet worksheet.
How do I accept or decline my student loans? Students must log in to my.jayconscious.com. Students may log in at my.jayconscious.com (see above if login information is needed) > self-service > student finance. If you accept loans, you will see three other actions items on your SNU Portal
1. Complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling
2. Sign a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note
3. Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment Please follow the links in your SNU portal to complete these items.
After items are completed, it will take 1 – 2 business days for the loans to be reflected in your balance. The Dept of Education processes these completed items and notifies SNU.How do I sign up for a payment plan? Go to http://jayconscious.com/ways-to-pay/ for detailed information.
I want to make a payment plan, but I am still waiting for outside scholarships that I know will impact my balance. What do I do? You have two options. 1. You can follow the instructions above to set up a payment plan and the balance will auto-adjust when you outside scholarships are applied to your account. 2. You can call the business office at 405/491.6308 and make a payment over the phone and then set up your payment plan once all your scholarships have been posted. All students are expected to have made at least one payment on their account prior to orientation. If you do not intend to pay your semester balance by August 1, you are required to be enrolled in a payment plan. Please choose one of the options above.
Guest Housing
Coming to OKC? Did you know SNU has a limited number of guest properties available for rent? Click here for more information or email guesthousing@jayconscious.com with specific questions.Health Records
The SNU Student Health Center facilitates academic success by aiding students in maintaining their maximum health and wellness through quality medical care in a Christian environment. We know the importance of creating and maintaining a healthy campus for students, faculty and staff. Oklahoma and SNU have policies that prevent the spread of infectious diseases, please see our website to understand our required vaccines. For a list of state-mandated vaccinations and instructions on how to submit your records, click here.Housing
At SNU, we believe that living on campus is important to each student’s success journey and we encourage all undergraduate students to be a part of our residential community. We are certain on-campus living contributes greatly to a student’s development as national research performed at colleges and universities nationwide indicates that students who live on campus enjoy a more positive and rewarding university experience. Residence Life utilizes a creative blend of relational presence and educational community-building programs in an effort to best support students, helping each one reach their full potential. Click here for more information.Laptops
In order for undergraduate students at Southern Nazarene University to succeed academically, it is critical that they have ongoing access to a laptop computer. For the majority of classes, professors will ask students to use their computers during class on a daily basis. Additionally, students will be assigned homework, projects, or papers that require the use of a computer. To learn more about the options available to secure your student a laptop computer (along with the minimum specifications), click here.New Student Institute
New Parent Institute is our programming offered for parents during the first 3 days of our New Student Institute for students. We’ve been working hard to plan fun, informative, and meaningful events for our new students and their families. New Parent Institute will welcome you into our SNU community and provide opportunities to connect with University faculty/staff, get all your questions answered, and celebrate this significant milestone in your lives!Parent Email List
Want to receive up-to-date information regarding special events, parent communication, and more? Complete your information in this form and you’ll be on the list!A monthly payment plan at Southern Nazarene University allows you to pay your education expenses in smaller, more manageable installments. All students and families, regardless of need or financial standing, are eligible for these payment plans. There is no approval process. That’s why we are pleased to make our payment plans available to students and families of SNU. There are several payment plan options to choose from. Learn more today by visiting http://egt8.jayconscious.com/ways-to-pay/.
Student Employment
The Office of Career Education exists to help students with all things jobs and career-related. For current students and alumni, we use an online job board where you can find on and off-campus jobs, a resume builder, and career development information. Click here for more information.Student Support Services
Student Support Services (SSS) helps eligible students successfully complete their college education by providing a foundation for overcoming academic, personal, and cultural obstacles to higher education. Through a highly personalized support system, the SSS staff strives to build professional and personal relationships with students in order to carefully assess their individual needs and to offer appropriate academic, personal, and career support. For more information about services available go to http://egt8.jayconscious.com//student-support-services/ or email sss@jayconscious.com.SNU Department of Public Safety / Campus Police
The SNU Department of Public Safety / Campus Police Department is a state-recognized sworn law enforcement agency that employs sworn police officers. For more information, visit our webpage. Specific safety information documents and information can be found there.RENEW Counseling Center
Renew Counseling Center is here to provide help and hope. We offer the opportunity for people like you to pursue wholeness, healing, support, and growth within a Christian context while remaining respectful of your background and experiences. Traditional full-time SNU undergraduate students can access 5 sessions per academic year at no additional cost beyond their initial health fee, sessions 6-10 cost $5.00 a session, after 10 sessions $10.00 each.Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Email admissions@jayconscious.com.
Parents Of Current Students
At your student’s Priority Enrollment Event (formerly Storm Surge), an expert in your student’s chosen major has enrolled them for Fall courses. If you would like more information about the Learning Community courses your student enrolled in click here . If your student is still anticipating taking AP or CLEP exams over the Summer and would like to know how those exams will apply to their General Education and major courses click here . If at any time this Summer your student has questions about or needs to make changes to your Fall schedule, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the following advisors:Dr. Heather Clemmer (hclemmer@jayconscious.com )
The SNU Campus Store is here to provide course materials for our students. New students are opted into Textbook Butler which automatically provides their course materials and applies the cost of their books to their student account. Via this link, you can change your textbook rental preferences, get detailed textbook information based on your enrollment and view bookstore textbook transactions, etc. For more information on SNU gear or other products in the campus store, click here.Here’s a video with more information about how the textbook service works.
Crimson Card
Every fall a new Crimson Card is available and you will want to consider purchasing one for your student. With the card, your student receives FREE ADMISSION to most student events A sweatshirt cheering on the Crimson Storm. [Sizes are limited. 1st come, 1st served] Discounts to area merchants (like Qdoba, Aloha Ice, Riversport Adventures, and more). Check your student email for more details in August.
Disability Services
The Disability Services office is available to help students with accommodations. Services and accommodations are based on two (2) prongs: (1) documentation of a disability by an appropriate professional, AND (2) a substantial limitation (impacting learning, reading, etc.)Students who often receive accommodations:
- Have been on an IEP or 504 plan or
- Have a severe injury, a chronic illness, or mental health impairment that hinders their learning or access to SNU programs.
For more information contact Disability Services.
Financial Services
The Financial Services Manager in the office of Admissions is here to help you and your student navigate the process of securing federal and state aid along with university and non-university scholarships and grants. We understand the financial aid process is often confusing for families new to college so we are dedicated to providing excellent customer service along the way.Likewise, because the financial aid process is unique to each student, you will receive caring, personalized attention from the Admissions Financial Services Manager dedicated to serving you: Jamie Salazar, 405.491.6324 – jsalazar@jayconscious.com
How do I log into the portal? The internal student portal (my.jayconscious.com) is for students. Your student will need to log in to see details ranging from updated financial bills and class attendance for the semester to the place they can update their banking information for payroll if they are employed on-campus. Parents do not have a login for the student portal. You will need to work with your student to retrieve information. Through the portal, students may also access Canvas, our course management system, where all assignments will be submitted, and course instructions can be found. Information with details on how to log into their portal came to your student’s personal email address when they were accepted. The subject line says “SNU Login Information.” If your student cannot find the email, they may go to reset.jayconscious.com and follow the easy prompts. Once they have that information, they can go to my.jayconscious.com and log in.What is my current balance? Students may log in at my.jayconscious.com (see above if login information is needed) > self-service > student finance. Detailed information will be there.
What if I think my charges are wrong? If it is prior to August 1st, it is possible that any outside scholarships have not yet been received by the institution. Those amounts are not deducted from your account until they are received. If you have institutional scholarships (such as music, athletics, ministerial, etc.) that are not appearing on your statement, confirm that you have returned all of your contracts and if you have, reach out to the appropriate department.
Cost sheet worksheets received from new student financial aid could be slightly off from charges listed on a students portal, as class fees and books are only estimates on the cost sheet worksheet.
How do I accept or decline my student loans? Students must log in to my.jayconscious.com. Students may log in at my.jayconscious.com (see above if login information is needed) > self-service > student finance. If you accept loans, you will see three other actions items on your SNU Portal
1. Complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling
2. Sign a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note
3. Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment Please follow the links in your SNU portal to complete these items.
After items are completed, it will take 1 – 2 business days for the loans to be reflected in your balance. The Dept of Education processes these completed items and notifies SNU.How do I sign up for a payment plan? Go to http://jayconscious.com/ways-to-pay/ for detailed information.
I want to make a payment plan, but I am still waiting for outside scholarships that I know will impact my balance. What do I do? You have two options. 1. You can follow the instructions above to set up a payment plan and the balance will auto-adjust when you outside scholarships are applied to your account. 2. You can call the business office at 405/491.6308 and make a payment over the phone and then set up your payment plan once all your scholarships have been posted. All students are expected to have made at least one payment on their account prior to orientation. If you do not intend to pay your semester balance by August 1, you are required to be enrolled in a payment plan. Please choose one of the options above.
Guest Housing
Coming to OKC? Did you know SNU has a limited number of guest properties available for rent? Click here for more information or email guesthousing@jayconscious.com with specific questions.Health Records
The SNU Student Health Center facilitates academic success by aiding students in maintaining their maximum health and wellness through quality medical care in a Christian environment. We know the importance of creating and maintaining a healthy campus for students, faculty and staff. Oklahoma and SNU have policies that prevent the spread of infectious diseases, please see our website to understand our required vaccines. For a list of state-mandated vaccinations and instructions on how to submit your records, click here.Housing
At SNU, we believe that living on campus is important to each student’s success journey and we encourage all undergraduate students to be a part of our residential community. We are certain on-campus living contributes greatly to a student’s development as national research performed at colleges and universities nationwide indicates that students who live on campus enjoy a more positive and rewarding university experience. Residence Life utilizes a creative blend of relational presence and educational community-building programs in an effort to best support students, helping each one reach their full potential. Click here for more information.Laptops
In order for undergraduate students at Southern Nazarene University to succeed academically, it is critical that they have ongoing access to a laptop computer. For the majority of classes, professors will ask students to use their computers during class on a daily basis. Additionally, students will be assigned homework, projects, or papers that require the use of a computer. To learn more about the options available to secure your student a laptop computer (along with the minimum specifications), click here.New Student Institute
New Parent Institute is our programming offered for parents during the first 3 days of our New Student Institute for students. We’ve been working hard to plan fun, informative, and meaningful events for our new students and their families. New Parent Institute will welcome you into our SNU community and provide opportunities to connect with University faculty/staff, get all your questions answered, and celebrate this significant milestone in your lives!Parent Email List
Want to receive up-to-date information regarding special events, parent communication, and more? Complete your information in this form and you’ll be on the list!A monthly payment plan at Southern Nazarene University allows you to pay your education expenses in smaller, more manageable installments. All students and families, regardless of need or financial standing, are eligible for these payment plans. There is no approval process. That’s why we are pleased to make our payment plans available to students and families of SNU. There are several payment plan options to choose from. Learn more today by visiting http://egt8.jayconscious.com/ways-to-pay/.
Student Employment
The Office of Career Education exists to help students with all things jobs and career-related. For current students and alumni, we use an online job board where you can find on and off-campus jobs, a resume builder, and career development information. Click here for more information.Student Support Services & McNair
Student Support Services (SSS) helps eligible students successfully complete their college education by providing a foundation for overcoming academic, personal, and cultural obstacles to higher education. In this office, students can also find McNair Scholars. McNair equips students to pursue a master’s or Ph.D. in their chosen field. Through a highly personalized support system, this staff strives to build professional and personal relationships with students in order to carefully assess their individual needs and to offer appropriate academic, personal, and career support. For more information about SSS services, go to http://egt8.jayconscious.com/sss or email sss@jayconscious.com.Interested in McNair?
Visit http://egt8.jayconscious.com/mcnair-scholars-program/ or email mcnair@jayconscious.com.SNU Department of Public Safety / Campus Police
The SNU Department of Public Safety / Campus Police Department is a state-recognized sworn law enforcement agency that employs sworn police officers. For more information, visit our webpage. Specific safety information documents and information can be found there.RENEW Counseling Center
Renew Counseling Center is here to provide help and hope. We offer the opportunity for people like you to pursue wholeness, healing, support, and growth within a Christian context while remaining respectful of your background and experiences. Traditional full-time SNU undergraduate students can access 5 sessions per academic year at no additional cost beyond their initial health fee, sessions 6-10 cost $5.00 a session, after 10 sessions $10.00 each.Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Email studentlife@jayconscious.com.
Want to know what’s going on? Click here for important dates from the SNU Academic Calendar.
Click here for the current final exam schedule.
Have more questions?
Contact Undergraduate Admissions
Location: Marchant Ground Floor
Phone: 405-491-6324
Email: admissions@jayconscious.com